Postural diagnostics includes the analysis of the static and dynamic posture of the body.  The static postural analysis is performed in the standing position of the athlete during which the relations among bigger segments of the body and the head, neck, trunk (torso), pelvis and extremities (hands and legs) are being estimated, as well as the relations among all joints. The analysis is focused on the balance among mentioned parts of the body, the quantity of effort needed for the maintenance of a particular position and the quantity of the muscle tonus (muscle tone or muscle tension). The static posture is only the initial insight into the postural picture of an individual which must be associated with a dynamic postural analysis.

The dynamic postural analysis includes the analysis of the moving of the body through space in different positions. This kind of analysis is obtained through a series of dynamic testing of simpler and more complex movement structures. The dynamic analysis includes the analysis of walking, as well. This kind of analysis gives us a clear picture on motoric status of the client, of their deficits, on the contents of all compensations, a biochemical sequence of all fundamental kinds of moving as well as the level of the motoric control.

A good static and dynamic posture is based on the balance of all muscle groups and their relation with the passive structures of the body, i.e. with the joints, bones and ligaments. Their balance is necessary for the absorption of the forces, especially of the gravity force, and as such it enables the efficient moving, the moving without pain with as little burnt energy and muscle fatigue as possible. At the same time such balance enables the optimal position, therefore the function of all internal organs, which speaks of the importance of the posture for the human being’s health.

The muscle imbalance will harm the standing posture, excessively burden one group of muscles and inhibit the others. In such a way it will harm the quality of moving as well as the quality of regeneration, i.e. of the recovery of the body from effort. Different postural disturbances will primarily spread over the spine and pelvis, but in time over all other segments of the body, and will lead to a bigger load on the joints and other passive structures. In the long run, they can increase the level of pain in the body, impact the appearance of degenerative conditions, illnesses and injuries.

The programs of training based on postural analysis will improve the functionality of the whole body, prevent the injuries and the appearance of painful conditions, enable a safe intensifying of the training, enable the development of more complex motoric abilities and improve the sports performance.

The postural analysis is intended for the persons in recreation, for children, athletes and it is an integral part of our more complex diagnostic protocols in sports and rehabilitation.

The Body & Mind Studio is the first training studio in Montenegro which performs from the very beginning recreational programs on the basis of individually performed initial postural analysis of their clients. At the same time, this service, altogether with the included training program and education, is available to everybody who is not a client of our studio but does the training somewhere else as a professional or recreational athlete.