Program for pregnant women in the Body & Mind Studio unites several complementary methods and each of them is beneficial to healthy pregnancy and faster recovery after the childbirth. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) and STOTT PILATES® are the main methods of this program and they enhance correct breathing mechanics, safe mobility, optimal stability, maintenance of muscle tone, better circulation and relaxation without any risk.

We have applied a rich array of exercises into a whole, obtaining a creative and efficient exercise repertoire of regenerative and preventive character. Program is to be performed in small groups on platforms, using little devices, as a part of half-personalized training regime, Pilates big devices (i.e. machines) being used, as well. All exercises within this program have been designed and modified by medical doctors and physiotherapists of relative schools, which confirms safety in their application.

Our program for pregnant women dedicates special attention to the correct functioning of diaphragm and muscles of pelvis bottom, the proper activation of the stabilizers of the lumbar and pelvis region and stabilizers of the shoulder and neck region. Applying the modified exercises of global and local character the complete body musculature gets toned, the posture gets repaired, back and neck pains lessened, mobility increased and balance enhanced. The effects of this training are a more comfortable pregnancy and faster recovery after the childbirth and the training itself contributes greatly to a less laborious and difficult child delivery.

The Body & Mind prenatal program is a part of our work since 2003 and a huge number of very satisfied pregnant women have been through it, some of them even several times. Our exercises for pregnant women are guided by the trainers who have finished specialized courses in prenatal and postnatal conditions and many of them have passed pregnancy and child delivery themselves, which contributes to their deeper sensitivity in the work with pregnant women.



After a child delivery (postpartum) and especially in cases of Caesarean section (C-section delivery), episiotomy, rectal prolapse (i.e. rectum diastasis), pathological slackening of the muscles of the pelvic bottom leading to uterine prolapse (i.e. sagging and slipping of the womb) it is necessary to start a modified regime of body exercise. Since many psychophysical changes tied to pregnancy are going to exist further on, the similar measures of caution are necessary while programming a training session. Program gets designed in various ways taking into consideration a child delivery, lactation and breast-feeding. In general, this program primarily aims to activate and tone both deep and superficial muscles of the abdomen, backbone and pelvis as well as to increase mobility of the backbone and of all the joints. After the initial stabilization and subtle but safe toning of lumbar-pelvic region, which leads to achieving essential mobility and stability, the intensity of the exercises rises in order to strengthen both periphery and the center of the region as well as to raise the level of endurance and flexibility. Only after a well performed and completed postnatal program the client is allowed to start other recreational program of higher intensity. This program mostly uses the contents within the DNS and STOTT PILATES® methods.

It is important to note that in the case of larger separations of abdomen as a result of pregnancy, episiotomy (the surgical section of umbilical cord), the Caesarean section, a spontaneous abortion, special care in pregnancy, etc. it is necessary and obligatory to pass the prenatal program before recreational exercises, even in the cases where pregnancies occurred many years before starting the training. Each pregnancy and child delivery leaves a trace in a woman’s body in the form of some dysfunction. Only by the means of a specially designed and modified program it is possible to decrease existing dysfunctions, to reactivate inhibited muscles and create a good base to intensify recreational training in a safe way.


FIT MAMA Program

Body & Mind FIT MAMA Program consists of exercises for strength, stamina, flexibility and condition. This program achieves the transformation of the body, decreasing the level of subcutaneous lipid tissue and increasing the percentage of the quality muscle tissue. It includes the application of all the elements of DNS, STOTT PILATES® and PROGRESSIVE® conditioning training. New mothers are going to enhance their condition and strength, to improve their posture and the quality of mobility, to build a slim and toned body, to improve breathing, awareness and self-confidence. The results of this program are lasting and far-reaching.